Holistic Hilda
Committed to restoring your energy and vitality
through ancient health traditions
Hilda Labrada Gore
Hilda Labrada Gore is a kind of "Dora the Explorer 2.0". She travels the world, exploring ancestral wisdom for the benefit of humanity. She is a content creator, communicating the best of experts, experiences, and epic adventures on the Wise Traditions podcast (which she hosts and produces for the Weston A. Price Foundation), her Holistic Hilda YouTube channel, and at conferences, events, ancestral tours and retreats.
Hilda is known as Holistic Hilda because of her awareness of the multi-faceted nature of good health. She also loves alliteration so it's an easy fit (and a good deal easier to remember than her entire name: Hilda Labrada Gore).
Good health doesn't come in some modern package or pricey 6-week body shape-up program. It is found in healthways that have served humanity for millenia.
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“ Holistic Hilda is a delightful and unique being who possesses the rare quality of being able to unify people with her universal messages of holistic living. “