Five ways to maximize your vitality this fall (a/k/a “getting hygge with it”)

Most of us are familiar with seasonal/local eating. It’s making the most of what’s available depending on the time of year. In the summer, our family grills burgers and eats fresh berries and watermelon. In the fall, our family goes for pumpkins at the farmer's markets for warm soups and we enjoy apples sauteed in butter and cinnamon as a warm dessert. The diet shifts according to the season. 

What would it look like to “live seasonally” as opposed to just eating seasonally? Is there a way to have our lifestyle shift, as our diet does? What would it look like to help our bodies transition for the new season?

I’m not talking about shedding memories from the previous season! Trust me, I’m still flying high on summer memories of relaxing moments with the family on the beach, hiking in Montana with Andrea Beaman, and exploring Alaska with my “accidental biohacker” husband. (See my YouTube channel for vids of some of these experiences.) And by all means, let’s celebrate what summer held!

Here are some of my favorite ideas for living seasonally as summer transitions to fall. These may help you maximize your vitality at this cooler, slower time of year!

1.Take stock

Some people have a “larder” in their home, with shelves filled with summer fruits and veggies–canned, fermented, and socked away to enjoy all winter long. You may or may not have such a physical space.

But we all have a larder of energy in our bodies. Take stock and see what level it’s at. Are you depleted or ready to roll? Fall is a time to re-evaluate and slow down. Ask yourself: How am I really? And truly listen and change priorities, as needed.

2. Slow down

Summer can be very “go, go, go.” Play with “no” this fall, as your fall back, instead of an immediate “yes”. Very recently, I’ve started RSVPing to e-vites and replying to invitations with a “m/aybe.” (It’s a precursor to “no.”) Even if your calendar is open, consider that a good thing. Make a date with yourself and allow yourself the “me time” to reflect and relax.

3. Sleep

The days getting shorter cue us in that it’s time to allow ourselves to breathe and curl up more than we did in the longer days of summer. If you’ve been running on caffeine and adrenaline or staying up late looking at screens most of June, July, and August, it’s time to shift things up. Begin by implementing an evening routine that gets you off screens before bed. Indulge in an epsom salt bath, a cup of bone broth or a good book to take the place of Netflix or the laptop. I personally carve out 9 hours in bed to make sure I get a full 8-hours of sleep…and I’ve never felt so good! 

4. Stay active

Activity and summer seem to go hand in hand. The sun invites us to move around–what with swimming, paddle-boarding, pick-up soccer and the like. But this doesn’t mean we let ourselves go when there’s less obvious opportunity for activity. It simply means we’ve got to be more intentional. I personally walk every morning and evening (it helps with digestion, after meals). And fall is a great time to hike local trails near your town. Make plans with a friend on the weekend to visit state parks, paddle down a river or join a local outdoor (or rooftop?) fitness class.. Look up group meetups/events for hikes, forest bathing, outdoor yoga, 5K races and more. Get creative till you hit on a way to keep moving that you really enjoy!

5. Set up your space

Hygge is a word in Danish and Norwegian that refers to the cozy, convivial environment. To me, the fall is the perfect time to make your home more home-y. It’s the difference between “casa” (house) and “hogar” (home). What surrounds us either contributes to clutter in our minds and spirits (baskets of laundry on the bed, anyone?) or helps us breath a sigh of relief (votive candles or a fire in the fireplace or a comfy chair with organic pillows). If you don’t have a favorite spot to read books and/or relax, make one this fall. If you need to streamline clutter, donate. Whatever you do, it’s time to get hygge with it (and turn your house into a home). 

The more I’ve traveled the world, the more I’ve come to realize that the world, the earth itself is inviting us to dance with it in its seasons. Embrace the shift that autumn offers–to a slower, cozier pace. Enjoy the vitality that comes with this new kind of choreography for your life in the months to come.

Is the idea of living seasonally new to you? What would you add to this list?

Happy fall friends! Make the most out of this beautiful season!


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