Upcoming events
with Holistic Hilda
A Day of Biohacking and Consciousness with Dave Asprey
Join me at this unique one-day event where we’ll learn from one another how to live our true potential! I’m speaking on the fascinating topic of light, along with just a handful of other experts…including Dave himself. There will be music, breathwork, movement and more! Come, breathe, play and discover under the Austin sun! Learn more and register here. Hope to see you there!
Dave Asprey Biohacking Conference
Are you an innovator, disruptor or a visionary? Then you gotta join me at Dave Asprey’s Biohacking Conference, May 28-30 in Austin, TX! I’m ancestral-based when it comes to health but I’m not a Luddite. I’m curious about what the speakers (including Joe Dispenza, Dr. McCratty and Vani Hari) have to say about how to optimize wellbeing and live past 180! There are places to experiment with tech (including BrainTap waves and Cold Plunges) and delicious meals. I’m so excited I even just invited my 93 year-old dad to join me for this one! Get your tickets here!

School of Lunch Training Academy 2025 Session 2
SOLTA – Level up your cooking skills! Or just get a firmer grasp on the basics! The School of Lunch Training Academy is the BEST place I know of to learn how to make ferments, sourdough, cook organ meats, and make bone broth. It doesn’t matter how experienced or inexperienced you are in the kitchen!
Hilary Boynton, the author of the Heal Your Gut cookbook, and her team of experts (including yours truly) empower you to feed yourself and everyone around you in the most nourishing and delicious way ever…in an idyllic retreat space in Topanga, California. You’ll enjoy the best food in your life, lots of sunshine and even cold plunges (if you so desire), and benefit from connections with fellow attendees. This is an unforgettable 5-day training that I cannot recommend highly enough! Learn more and sign up here.

School of Lunch Training Academy 2025 Summer-2 Session
SOLTA – Level up your cooking skills! Or just get a firmer grasp on the basics! The School of Lunch Training Academy is the BEST place I know of to learn how to make ferments, sourdough, cook organ meats, and make bone broth. It doesn’t matter how experienced or inexperienced you are in the kitchen!
Hilary Boynton, the author of the Heal Your Gut cookbook, and her team of experts (including yours truly) empower you to feed yourself and everyone around you in the most nourishing and delicious way ever…in an idyllic retreat space in Topanga, California. You’ll enjoy the best food in your life, lots of sunshine and even cold plunges (if you so desire), and benefit from connections with fellow attendees. This is an unforgettable 5-day training that I cannot recommend highly enough! Learn more and sign up here.

Wise Traditions Conference 2025
I’m a little bit biased but I have to admit that the Wise Traditions conference is one of my all-time favorites! The food is nutrient-dense; the people are friendly and kind; the speakers are always brilliant and the topics are thought-provoking. Plus, this year, we’ll be in Utah! What’s not to love??? I can’t wait and hope to see you there! Register here.

Rogue Food Conference
This epic conference is being held in Orlando, Florida! I can’t wait to hang with you in sunny Florida and hear from leaders who have “gone rogue” when it comes to health and wellness! I’m so happy to be in the speaker lineup! And together we’ll learn from Joel Salatin, John Moody, Max Kane, Dr. Sina McCullough, and others about how to go rogue and stay well! Get your tickets here, and use code "HILDA15" for $15 dollars off regular tickets!

Natural Food Products Expo West
I’m excited to be attending the Natural Products Expo West that is chock full (if not overflowing) with exhibits, education, and events! Have you ever been? Will I see you there? It’s a HUGE gathering. (I’ve only been to the expo on the east coast so this promises to be even bigger and better!) Redmond Real Salt asked me to go with them so I’ll be having a very salty time (in the best meaning of the word) and checking out the scene to let you know what’s the most natural (and the most overhyped) at the expo!!

Water is Life Retreat
Water has answers for understanding ourselves, the earth, and the greater world around us! This retreat is designed to reintroduce us to water as our ally. We may never drink a glass of water or take a shower in the same way again. This experience invites us to the ancient land of the Maya, to dive deep into the pristine waters of the Caribbean Ocean and immerse ourselves in the sacred waters of the underground cenotes. If you are ready to enjoy epic nature experiences, as well as water ceremonies and deep connections, join us and come away feeling empowered with new information about the healing power of water!. Learn more and sign up here.

WAPF Dallas Chapter Winter Potluck
Join me and a group of cool friends, including Christine Muldoon, the Dallas chapter leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation. You don't have to be an official member to come. We'll eat good food. I'll share highlights from recent travels and we'll just hang out together. RSVP to Christine at christine@nourishthelittles.com and get more details.
Hope to see you there!

FREE potluck and panel in Alexandria, Virginia
Holistic Hilda will be speaking at an informal gathering in Alexandria, Virginia, as a panelist on healthy living, WAPF-style.
A local Weston A. Price Foundation group invited her to discuss her experiences and lessons from Mongolia, Mexico, and Ethiopia, along with insights from experts on the Wise Traditions podcast. Her fellow panelists are a naturopath and an expert on electro-magnetic sensitivity.
This event is free! Just bring a Wise Traditions-friendly dish to share for the potluck and RSVP to Alanasugar03@gmail.com.

Wise Traditions conference
One of my favorite gatherings of the year! Join me at the OG conference focused on Wise Traditions in food, farming and the healing arts! I'll be moderating a panel on giving children the best start for their health. And I'll be mixing and mingling with all of my friends-in-the-making. Click here to register and join me to hear speakers, eat Wise Traditions-friendly food, and enjoy sunny Florida!

Hilda on Jupiter Farm
Sun, Oct 20 | Hilda on Jupiter Farm
Hilda is going to share insights from recent travels on a farm in Jupiter (Florida, not the planet)! Come, be inspired and encouraged by Hilda’s stories and energy. Find out more here!

Ferment Oaxaca
A four-day, three-night event in Mexico for foodies, foodie-wannabes, and anyone curious about fermentation and healthier living! Immerse yourself in the history of ancestral food and culture in Oaxaca, Mexico, while enjoying three full days of talks and hands-on workshops with the world´s most respected authors and teachers in the field of fermentation: David Zilber, Mary Ruddick, Trevor Warmedahl, Sophie Eng, Hugo Chase. I will be emceeing and offering my own insights on fermentation… and life! For more info and to register go here: Ferment Oaxaca.

School of Lunch training academy
Join me for a 6-day intensive to learn how to make ancestral foods the traditional way! Together we'll go over how to make sourdough, ferments, cook organ meats, and bone broth, from expert Lunch Leader Hilary Boynton and her team (which includes me, Mark McAfee, Janine Farzin, and more)! The setting is as glorious as the food! This retreat is great for folks who want to learn how to better prepare meals for themselves, their families and/or their local schools! SIgn up today at schooloflunch.com while there are still a few spots left!

Beyond Labels Summit
Detoxify the Body, Mind, and Spirit on Polyface Farms!
Joel Salatin, Dr. Sina McCullough and I are co-hosting this amazing 2-day conference to offer tools for detoxification.Dr. Leland Stillman and Sayer Ji will also be on hand to explore and explain ancient and modern detoxification strategies and to empower you to create a personalized detox plan just for you!
Clearing physical toxins enhances energy, slows aging, improves sleep, boosts immunity, and is a critical component in reversing chronic and autoimmune diseases. Mental and spiritual detoxification fosters clarity, balance, and inner peace, opening a pathway for a deeper connection with God.
This event is for you if you want to detox on any level and enjoy a gorgeous day at the farm, eating nutrient-dense, farm fresh food!
Register HERE while tickets are still available! (We’ve sold out in the past.)
Oh, and there’s a kids’ program this year, too!
See you in June!
Location: Swoope, VA

Young Women's Leadership Summit
The Young Women’s Leadership Summit is going to rock in San Antonio! Designed for women 16-26 and covering a wide range of topics, we’re going to reclaim womanhood!

Woman Rising: The Final Take Back Your Health Retreat
Get away in North Carolina for some rest and relaxation. Unwind with women who are exploring all the facets of wellness! Enjoy movement, sunshine, and a toes-in-the-sand detox like no other!
I join Robin Shirley of Take Back Your Health designed to empower you to live your more fulfilled, happy, healthy life! Join us!
Go to RETREATS and use the code HH for 10%!

Co-ed Getaway in the Outer Banks, NC
Co-ed Getaway in the Outer Banks, NC, Nov. 6-10
Join me, Robin Shirley of Take Back Your Health and Wim Hof instructor Bob Soulliere for a fall getaway, certain to restore your body, mind, and spirit. In the beautiful context of the Outer Banks beaches in North Carolina, we'll eat nutrient-dense meals, learn breathing exercises, take sunrise walks on the beach, share our hearts and dreams, and maybe even plunge in the sea!
So, take a pre-holiday break from the usual with a friend or family member to help you recalibrate your mental and physical health!
Wise Traditions conference, Kansas City, MO
Wise Traditions conference, Kansas City, MO, Oct. 20-22
I attend a lot of conferences and events but this one is hands-down one of my personal favorites. I may be biased, since I host and produce the Wise Traditions podcast for the Weston A. Price Foundation, which sponsors this event, but it's a bias based on facts. The speakers are exceptional--each one an expert in his/her field. The food is nutrient-dense (meaning that it is well-sourced and includes a variety of what we need from animal products to ferments to sourdough bread and butter). And the attendees are brilliant and friendly. I learn so much from every person I encounter and we become fast friends!
It's also a very affordable conference compared to many others.
So, what are you waiting for? This is your personal invitation to join me and Sally Fallon Morell, Tom Cowan, Alec Zeck, Natasha Campbell-McBride and countless others.
Oh and for a sample of the kind of content covered at the conference, listen to the Wise Traditions podcast here.
Papua New Guinea with Mary Ruddick
Stay tuned for how to support this exploratory trip with fellow experiential anthropologist, Mary Ruddick!

Switzerland trip with Tania Teschke
Switzerland trip with Tania Teschke!
July 15-22, 2023
Discover the majestic alpine beauty and pure traditions of Switzerland’s Lötschental Valley with award-winning cookbook author and wine expert Tania Teschke and inspirational thought leader and podcaster Hilda Labrada Gore who will lead you through biohacking, self-discovery, bonding, and inspirational experiences.
Follow in the footsteps of Dr. Weston A. Price, as you hike the pristine mountain paths and dip into glacial lakes and streams, while discovering how alpine food, water, herbs, and lifestyle builds health and strength. During the unique 6-day exploration, you’ll stay in a Swiss chalet at 2,000 meters elevation, learn Swiss and French-inspired recipes, visit local farms, and sample local raw milk cheese and wild plants that together with the alpine air and glacial water will bring renewed vitality. You will come away relaxed, stronger, and inspired!
Contact Tania to reserve your spot today, space is limited.

Join me in glorious Munich to elevate your human potential...and just have fun at FLOW FEST! This amazing gathering has an experiential focus so we'll be doing things (not just sitting and listening). We'll sauna, plunge, practice stillness and presence, and more! Plus there's a bonus hiking day on Sunday (and I just bet it will include jumping in some icy stream, lol)!
I'll be speaking about what I've learned about healthspan (living not just a long life, but an exuberant one full of vitality) from my travels and interviews!
Flow Fest: Elevating Human Potential experience and workshops! Use the code HILDA15 for 15% off the ticket price
School of Lunch Training Academy
Join my friend Hilary Boynton in the School of Lunch Training Academy!
Attend the Summer 2023 academy. Learn how to instigate and implement a whole foods based program in your home, school or business.
One Week...a lifetime of knowledge and new connections.
Attendees at the SOLTA not only work with and learn from instructors, but also create bonds with other like-minded people looking to make a change in their own homes and communities!

Two Days of Truth
June 23rd & 24th at Polyface Farms, Swoope, VA
How “Science” Got It Wrong & What We Can Do About It
Sponsored by Dr. Sina McCullough and Farmer Joel Salatin with special MC appearance by Holistic Hilda!
In order to heal the body, we must understand how the body works. But most of what we were taught in school about the body is wrong. Yet, it is still taught as “gospel.” No wonder we are getting sicker instead of getting stronger!
During TWO DAYS of TRUTH, we will explore what is actually hindering us from achieving optimal health, wellness and freedom. We will also lay the groundwork for how to turn the tide.

Holistic & Happy (Virginia) (cancelled)
A one-day event, sponsored by Holistic Hilda, to equip us to live our best lives. Together we'll explore how to improve our relationships on every level--to ourselves (body/mind/spirit), the land, our families, and immediate community. With Polyface Farms as our glorious context, we'll bask in the sunshine, eat nourishing food, and explore experiences that help us attain new levels of vibrant health.
Fire & Ice Retreat
Join me for an epic retreat to experience all the health benefits and hacks of Fire and Ice in a group setting with adventurous people!
Thaddeus Owen will serve as our winter retreat guide along with a line up of incredible guest speakers.
Registration cost is all-inclusive and includes – basic lodging, 5-star meals prepared by renowned health and wellness chef, full-service beverages (including Dry Farm Wines and Bullet Proof Coffee), professional seminars, activities, and on-site amenities like sauna, cold plunge, snow shoeing, fat tire bikes and more!
$1399, use code “community” for 10% off!
Mastermind - Entrepreneurs in Health & Wellness (Florida)
Join me and my closest like-minded entrepreneurial friends for a week long mastermind group!
It’s an exclusive opportunity to share meals, goals, insights & dreams.
We will help one another by sharing best practices in business, health, & life in a beautiful setting: Anna Maria Island, Feb 18-25.
PS If you can’t make this getaway, I have other fun adventures in the works. But this one is probably the most affordable & intimate….
Optimizing Your Family's Health (Fisher Island, FL)
The Documenting Hope Project is the cornerstone research program of Epidemic Answers, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention and reversal of chronic health and developmental conditions in children.
Join me in this special event to benefit Documenting Hope on Fisher Island in Florida! Featuring physicians and scientists studying brain health, gut health, and genomics; Martha Herbert, Sabine Hazan, Sharon Hausman Cohen, and Heather Tallman Ruhm.
A portion of your ticket is tax-deductible. Lectures Only $150, Private lunchtime reception with the speakers and hosts $500. Proceeds benefiting Documenting Hope to continue their mission and groundbreaking research program coupled with education, outreach, and media initiatives.

Mongolia with Dr. Mary Ruddick
Dr. Mary Ruddick, nutritionist and anthropologist, invited me to join her on a trip to Mongolia to visit with the Eagle Hunters, in the western region of Mongolia. The Eagle Hunters are a nomadic group known for their ability to train eagles to assist them in hunting during the winter months. I will be off-grid, eating, herding, hunting, and cooking with families in the Olgi region. I know. It will certainly be an incredible experience! I feel so lucky! Follow the adventures on IG @holistichilda and on my Holistic Hilda YouTube channel when I return.

Homesteaders of America Conference
“Our ultimate goal is to be a place of total homestead education for homesteaders across the United States. We understand that people have different learning styles and desires, and therefore we offer classes and education in multiple different ways, both during the event, before the event, and online throughout the year.”

Tour of the Bordeaux Region of France
Tania Teschke, of “The Bordeaux Kitchen”, has invited me to be a part of an exclusive tour of the Bordeaux region of France. A small group of us will be exploring traditional French cooking, wine, and regional cultural sites!

8th Annual Biohacking Conference
I’m heading out to Dave Asprey’s Biohacking Conference in Beverly Hills! I can’t wait to connect with speakers/friends like Brian Richards, Max Lugavere, Ian Mitchell and more. Plus, I’ve heard a rumor that Dave is going to fill a swimming pool with ice cubes so we can all do cold therapy at the same time! Super psyched. I hope to record some interviews and enjoy some time just connecting and having fun in the sun! For more info, go to this website: biohackingconference.com