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Wise Traditions conference, Kansas City, MO

Wise Traditions conference, Kansas City, MO, Oct. 20-22

I attend a lot of conferences and events but this one is hands-down one of my personal favorites. I may be biased, since I host and produce the Wise Traditions podcast for the Weston A. Price Foundation, which sponsors this event, but it's a bias based on facts. The speakers are exceptional--each one an expert in his/her field. The food is nutrient-dense (meaning that it is well-sourced and includes a variety of what we need from animal products to ferments to sourdough bread and butter). And the attendees are brilliant and friendly. I learn so much from every person I encounter and we become fast friends!

It's also a very affordable conference compared to many others.

So, what are you waiting for? This is your personal invitation to join me and Sally Fallon Morell, Tom Cowan, Alec Zeck, Natasha Campbell-McBride and countless others.

Oh and for a sample of the kind of content covered at the conference, listen to the Wise Traditions podcast here.

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