My Fave Breath Techniques That You Can Use Anywhere
My doctor (Dr. Leland Stillman) told me recently that I breathe too quickly. I was like, “Huh?” He explained that my breath rate was approximately 16 breaths per minute. I was like “So?” He explained that his wife’s rate was 13 breaths per minute. I was still puzzled. “That doesn’t seem like that big of a difference.”
He explained that every hour has 60 minutes and every day has 24 hours and that my breath rate was WAY out of proportion from his wife’s rate and that it was truly problematic. I was basically stressing myself out with the speed of my breath. I needed to slooooow my breathing down whenever possible to return my body to the parasympathetic mode (rest and digest) instead of sympathetic (fight or flight).
Chances are that you breathe shallowly and quickly like I do. Answering emails, responding to stressors and challenges throughout the day and just plain modern life often flips an internal switch that changes our breath rate and stresses the body.
The good news? Intentional breath work doesn’t require a retreat in the mountains (although I highly recommend the experience!) or hours of practice. A few minutes each day can go a long way in improving your daytime stress levels, deepening your sleep and improving your health! Here are a few easy ways to start that my friend & breath coach Bob Soulliere recommends:
Conscious breath: Set aside a few minutes each day to focus on light (not audible), slow, deep inhales and exhales. Breathe in and out through your nose, filling your belly with air, and slowly exhale, letting go of any tension with each breath. This breath technique is supportive whether you just need to ground into it for a few minutes or you want to tap into your endurance while working out.
Slow your breath rate: especially the exhale. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system to relieve stress and promote efficient function in the body. Bob encourages his clients to shoot for 6-6 breathing (breathing in and out for 6 seconds each). Go to this when you feel your stress level rise. (There’s a reason people used to say “Take a deep breath” before responding to a taunt or crisis.)
Breathe through your nose: If this is new to you, practice doing it intentionally for a few minutes a day to start. The mouth is for eating (and kissing). The nose is for breathing. Practice shutting your mouth during the day and breathing through the nose only. And when you’re ready, you can try taping your mouth shut at night with medical tape or a special mouth tape. I swear this helps me sleep better!
Box Breath: This technique is simple and effective as a de-stressor and relaxing exercise. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4, exhale for 4, and hold again for 4. Repeat for a few minutes to restore balance to your nervous system. I like to do this as I’m falling asleep!
Breathing Zone breath app: This is my secret weapon. As I drive home from my podcast studio, I often just open up the app and it guides me through de-stressing breath work on my drive home. I play classical music in the background and arrive at home a new woman! (My husband is always surprised, haha!)
Embrace the Power of Your Breath
In all seriousness, I am learning to manage my breath rate through all of the above. I’m grateful to Dr. Stillman and Bob Soulliere for the reminder of the benefits of slowing it all down.
Breath is fabulous for increased energy, improved stress management, and deeper, more restorative sleep. It also builds mental and physical resilience. And just like I learned during my Wim Hof retreat, the more you understand and practice it, the more you’ll realize how much potential your breath holds.
So, the next time you’re feeling stressed, tired, or restless, remember this: you already have everything you need to shift your state and bring yourself back into balance. The breath is key. 🧡
Want to learn more?
Breath coach Bob Soulliere is joining us for a LIVE breath workshop on my Holistic Hub on April 5! Let’s breathe together and pose questions to Bob in this wonderful community space! Join us on the Hub. 🧡